Café Reader


Café Reader is a feed reader for Status.Cafe by m15o. Status.Cafe has a great homepage where you can see what everyone across the whole system is posting, but you can't see just a curated feed of your friends! Café Reader lets you do just that.

Technical Limitations

Café Reader uses the RSS feeds from each account to pull their most recent posts. As a result, it's limited to showing data obtained during one of your fetches. (This is just an HTML page with a bunch of Javascript on it, no database involved.)

Café Reader uses your local browser storage to store your list of follows. So if you're logged into a different browser or session, you won't have the same list there unless you import it! If you want, you can click the "Export" button from your Manage Following window to export a text file, which you'll then be able to import elsewhere. (Note that they will not be kept in sync.)

Technical Information

Café Reader runs in a single static HTML page using Javascript to fetch data. If you run a local webserver on your machine (e.g. python's http.server or npm's http-server), you ought to be able to run it on your local machine as well.

Results are cached for speed and also to help keep Status.Cafe from getting overloaded bandwidth-wise; if you keep the window open, new results will be fetched every five minutes.