early april updates

Posted on 2024-04-02

wow! adding things to the site!

on the resources page i wrote up the tutorial for how i made the audio player here + also added a whole list of links to other pages with useful resources for retroweb/yesterweb stuff. although i will say it's nice to live in The Future(tm) where yeah we can do websites like this but also have access to modern templating engines and utilities so I don't have to be painstakingly copypasting headers and footers everywhere.

if you want to see my uh. my very normal shell script for compiling this site and uploading it—

image of a really long shell script for running a chain of functions from the command line

anyway i'm hoping to fill out the rest of the tutorials i've got slated early this week! my next week after is busy but after that maybe... freeware layouts. it's been like 84 years since i made them...